6 Ways to Ace the virtual interview

We’re in a time where virtual interviews are becoming our new normal. Whether you are currently recruiting or looking to sharpen your skills for future job opportunities, these 6 tips will put you ahead of the curve and have you completing your online interviews like the queen that you are.

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1. Create a professional username

This should go without saying but if your current Skype or Zoom username is sagittariuskween123 you might want to do a bit of a switcharoo on your account details. It might be helpful to create a new account if you need to and dedicate it specifically to professional usage. The format of firstnamelastname or any variation of your name and initials is always a safe bet.

2. Look into the camera

This is a major key! Not many people realize this but when you speak directly into your computer screen, depending on where your webcam is positioned and angled it most certainly looks as though you are looking down, which does not exude confidence at all. In fact, it might even make you appear to be nervous!

A simple hack and easy adjustment for this is to look directly at your webcam. Doing this helps you to build a more personal connection with your interviewer as it gives the illusion of direct eye-contact.

This is a great trick for interviewing systems such as Hirevue, an online interview system that gives you interview prompts and has you record your answer on video.

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the chroma network virtual interview tips: look into the camera!

However, the same also applies for a live video chat interview where you are conversing with another person! In fact, research shows that higher levels of self- esteem are associated with longer periods of direct eye contact. As the virtual interview comes as your first face-to-face impression, you want to make sure that you are showing up as your most confident self!

If you have the tendency to get a bit nervous prior to interviewing, this is even better for you! Looking at your webcam can take away from the fact that another person is on the other end of the conversation evaluating you. This allows you to get into your zone of excellence when answering questions; you can even pretend that the other party isn’t there and that you are on a phone interview!

And, if you need to check-in, the solution is quite simple! Just gaze down and gauge their reaction. piece of cake!

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3. Make sure that the camera angle is flattering!

the chroma network virtual interview tips, make sure your camera angle is flattering

Definitely do a quick check-in prior to starting your interview. Give yourself a 15-30 minute window just for this!

some questions to ask yourself:

  1. Is my hair ok?
  2. How’s the lighting, is it dark in here? Should I turn on my lamp or ring light?
  3. Anything on my face that shouldn’t be there?

If there is an angle that is flattering for you (for most people it’s slightly above the natural gaze) don’t be afraid to use a laptop stand! that way you won’t have to wonder whether or not you look sharp.

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4. Check on your surroundings!

the chroma network virtual interview tips: check your surroundings

Let’s get real for a second: having a messy space DOES play a role in your mental state. Being surrounded by chaos can definitely make your mind feel frazzled, which is not the state we want to be in while interviewing.

Where are you completing this interview? Ideally, a conference room or an office would be great but if you’re like most of us and working from home, your options may be a bit slimmer. Not to worry because in true queen fashion, we pivot!

Simply find a blank wall in your home and set up your laptop

If this also isn’t an option and you have enough time, you can buy backdrop paper which is pretty inexpensive and do your interview YouTuber style! OR if you’re more of a digital girl you can find a downloadable background on Etsy or Canva!

Isn’t that cool? You can make it seem like your home belongs on the cover of Architectural Digest!

Don’t allow this to be a headache for you, we just want to make sure our interviewer isn’t getting a peek into the personal details of our bedrooms or getting distracted by that pile of laundry left in the corner from last night. Let’s not give them any reason to focus on anything other than us and what we have to say!

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5. Dress for success

The confidence we have in our external beauty is not to be ignored! If there was ever a time to slay, this would be it!

the chroma network virtual interview tips: makeup


Wear makeup that makes you feel confident! maybe not a full-glam beat but something that you would wear in a more casual daytime setting – natural glam is always cute and in style!

We embrace our natural beauty but the fresh and vibrant boost that a dewy, natural makeup look gives can’t be beaten!


A lot of people advocate for the “businesswoman on top, about to hit the hay on the bottom” look for the virtual interview but we will counter that notion by letting you know that this is not a good idea!

The way you look directly impacts the way you feel and I don’t know about you but looking in the mirror and seeing myself in my most crisp boss lady blazer on top, styled with a pair of pajama pants and bedroom slippers on the bottom would make me feel silly!

Why? Because these pieces just don’t go together ever! And as much as I pump myself up to get into go-mode for my interview, in the back of my mind I will still feel silly because I know what I have on.

plus if you happen to move and your interviewer sees your pajama bottoms? LOL it’s over!!!

So why not complete the look? Wear a crisp professional outfit from head to toe that puts you in the mindset to get things done! it’s worth it. we have tons on inspo on our professional style board on Pinterest

the chroma network interview tips: outfit

6. Practice makes perfect

The virtual interview gives you so much more time and flexibility than the traditional setting! Write down your responses to common interview questions, read and meditate on them, and have a journal for notes and questions handy!

You should be able to answer questions about your specific skill set, strengths, and setbacks or areas of weakness that you feel you may have and how you acknowledge them.

One you’ll surely get asked first is “so tell me about yourself” Lucky for you we wrote a quick guide on how you can nail this one!

Whether you use a physical notebook or a document on your computer, when you’re in this setting you can keep them with you to discreetly glance at and give a killer answer. Even if you don’t use it – for some people (myself included) this can create feelings of paranoia- it can be a great comfort blanket to have.

You can also take notes on what your interviewer is saying so that you have points to reference for questions (which will surely make you stand out from the crowd).

You never want to sound like you’re reading a script straight out of your notes (it is not a good look) but having this air of comfort and confidence goes a long way when establishing a solid first impression.

the chroma network virtual interview tips: keep a journal

These were our 6 tips for acing a virtual interview. This will be super important to grasp in times like these where we are primarily working from home. Create a polished look for yourself and your surroundings that makes you feel like you’re about to close a million-dollar deal (because that is exactly what we are doing. Closing the deals that will secure our futures 🛍️). Be on time, show up, and show out! We believe in you.

P.S. don’t forget to follow up a sincere thank you note 😊

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