Why you Need to Set a Schedule…Even in the Summertime

Tell me if you can relate to this:

You’re on summer break or have a long weekend and finally have some time for you. You look yourself in the mirror and think that this is finally the time where you get to be all about… you!

You can finally relax, lounge, and do all the things you’ve been putting off. You tell yourself, “I’m going to work out 3 days a week, read one book a week, and start a podcast! I’ve always wanted to start a podcast!”

Next thing you know, the sun is down and you’ve accomplished absolutely nothing. Sometimes, this pattern even repeats itself for a few days!

It is such a natural feeling to hate rules and regulations because we associate them with restriction.

When we’re in school, we have a schedule that determines where we have to be and for how long. When we’re at our internship or job, our Calendars are notifying us about the endless meetings that we have to run to for 8 hours.

When we’re not in these places, naturally, we want to escape!

I’m here to say that not having a schedule does not equate to liberation in the way that we think! In fact, having a set schedule for your day might be your ticket to maximizing your free time! hear me out

you won’t leave things out

When set a schedule, you will have time to answer emails, time to read, and time to work on your side project all in one day! Better yet, you won’t forget to do anything because you have laid everything out right in front of you.

A schedule signifies that you are being intentional with your time! You won’t scramble to remember what you have to do next or who you have to reply to via email because you have it documented!

you can focus

So you’ve blocked off time for your tasks and are now in the zone. Lucky for you, this means that you only have to focus on one thing. You can give your projects your laser attention, allowing yourself to get them done as efficiently as possible.

Hey, you might even complete your tasks early!

The beautiful thing about schedules is that they don’t give you room to procrastinate. You won’t lose any time in decision making or in regret of spending hours on things that you could save for later.

Your focus and attention now completely belongs to you because you have a plan of action!

you will no longer overextend yourself

As you get used to working with a schedule, you’ll begin to understand the way that you operate. You will see that you no longer have to stress yourself out trying to complete one-million tasks per day!

Create business hours, assign them to yourself, and stick to them! Pick the time that you will start work each day and the time that you will stop. For example, If you know that it takes you an hour to write a draft of a cover letter, give yourself an hour to write and 30 minutes to revise. You will realize that you can only fit so many of these blocks into your day.

This takes away those feelings of guilt and inadequacy that we experience when we don’t complete everything on our list. With your deadlines in mind, you can confidently say, “there’s always tomorrow”.

Now, this statement comes from a place of planning rather than procrastination. a huge difference.

What Nicole Wore via Pinterest

you can create room in your life for fun

There is a huge misconception that constant hustling is the only way to get things done. This could not be more wrong.

It’s summertime! You should be able to take in the sun at the pool, diving into a good book, or even picnicking in the park.

When you map out your days, you see exactly what you have going on and caWhen you map out your days, you see exactly what you have going on and can assess your current levels of stress. This allows you to schedule “me-time” or a “self-care day” if you need it (and you often do).

Lee Litumbe via Pinterest

With the available space you now have in your calendar, You can say yes when friends ask you to spend time with them! Because of your effective planning, you can more fully enjoy yourself and all that life has to offer!

After all, it’s what you deserve

The hustle on the road to our goals is beautiful! But we cannot thrive in total isolation or by constantly working.

If any of these tips have resonated with you, give them a try! We want to know all about the freedom that organization grants you in your everyday life! Despite what we think, saying yes to structure and organization creates all the freedom that we so deeply desire. Structure and planning are the true secrets to getting ahead.

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