6 things you can do tonight to have a fabulous day tomorrow

1. Plan for the day ahead

Before going to bed, try asking yourself, “what are my top priorities for the day ahead?” These should be the top three things that you can do to push yourself towards your goals that week.

I personally like to do a brain dump before the work week begins. A brain dump is exactly what it sounds like! First, I think of everything that lies ahead of me in both my personal and work life within the upcoming week. From there I write a running list of all of the associated to-dos!

This makes it ten times easier to populate my calendar, planner, and project management systems! It also prevents me from wasting time figuring out what I have to do next both for Chroma and for my full-time job!

If you need an extra boost, a productivity planner such as this one can also help you tremendously if you struggle with prioritization! Seeing a master plan laid out will make it easier for you to pick three-five tasks out on any given day. Over time, you will easily see what you have accomplished and what tasks you have remaining!

Say goodbye to confusion and hello to organization!

2. put away electronic devices before bed!

Or as our parents would say, “it’s because you on that phone.”

If you plan on getting a good night’s sleep, it’s definitely in your best interest to turn your phone off a few hours before bed.

It’s been scientifically proven that the blue light created by our electronic devices limits the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone that lets our bodies know that it’s time for bed.

Unplugging from your devices at least 30 minutes before trying to go to sleep can make a world of a difference!

You can also aid yourself in this process by using bluelight glasses or bluelight screen protectors which also block out some of this light!

You can also go old school if you want and read a book before bed! I guarantee that you will doze off very soon.

3. clean up your space

Before going to bed, tidy up your space! waking up to chaos, clutter, and mess is so disorienting. It definitely doesn’t put you in the headspace to have a great or productive day!

When you wake up from your hopefully peaceful dreams, rather than jumping up and starting your day, you’ll feel the urge to clean everything!

Doesn’t that sound like time wasted?

4. Buy some time back in the AM!

Depending on how much time you devote to your morning routine, you may only have an hour or two for yourself before you get into the hustle and bustle of the day.

This is perfectly fine! However, if you know this to be true, you definitely need to give yourself some headspace to actually enjoy your day.

Anything that you can do tonight to give yourself more time to enjoy yourself tomorrow is probably a good idea.

For example, try making overnight oats so that you spend less time on a healthy breakfast. Prep the settings on your coffee machine so that your morning cup will be ready much faster. Steam your clothing so that it’s ready for you to put on in the morning!

You get the picture.

5. make your goals easy to accomplish!

According to Atomic Habits by James Clear, one of the easiest ways to make a habit stick is by making the desired task obvious and easy to accomplish.

If you want to achieve success in any specific area, you need to remove all possible sources of friction that could stand in the way of you and your goals.

Do you want to exercise more in the morning?

Make it a no brainer by setting your clothes out ahead of time and laying them in a place that is easy to see.

Perhaps you want to get some work done or writing? – make sure your computer is charged and perhaps have that document open on your screen before bed – this way when you wake up its the first thing you see

The point is to remove any possible sources of resistance and make your goal habits a no-brainer. When you reach the point where it would be silly for you not to act, you know you’ve done something right!

6. do some wind down activities

There are certain activities that can help you to slow your mind and get into the headspace for sleep! You can try bedtime yoga like this

Slower, more gentle forms of yoga can help to destress you by slowing down your breathing and releasing tension from your muscles!

Hot baths and aromatherapy are super calming as well!

Journaling is also a fantastic wellness activity to try before bed!

Prompted journals like this 6 Minute Diary have an area for nighttime reflection. This helps to put you in a positive headspace before bed by reflecting on what you’ve accomplished for the day, what good deeds you’ve done and what improvements you can make the next day.

Just thinking about it makes me feel that much better!

What are some of the things that you like to do before bed that make your life easier? A solid bedtime routine is critical for an enjoyable, productive day! If any of these tips were of use to you, don’t forget to share this post using the buttons below!

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