confidence building for women - attitude of a confident woman

8 Unbreakable Laws On How to Be Confident


As a young professional woman, being able to move confidently through the world is great. It not only affects how you go after opportunities in your career and social life, but it can help you feel better about yourself and also can make you more attractive to others. Confidence building for women is crucial because it can help improve self-esteem, leading to better relationships with others. As women, naturally, we tend to place value on our interpersonal relationships and our place within social dynamics. In this post, we’ll cover my best confidence building tips for women. We’ll cover the basics of confidence and why it’s essential in life and discuss why building self-esteem is so important.

Take more risks.

Taking risks is a tremendous help when it comes to confidence building for women. If you are more risk-averse, this can be as simple as trying a new food or drink instead of asking for “the usual.” If you’re feeling bolder, this can mean going to a new place and striking up a conversation with people you’d never met before or asking the girl you have small-talk with at pilates to lunch.

Taking risks is a great way to build confidence because it makes you feel more powerful and in control of your life. It also helps you to realize that, for the most part, worry is in your head, and the worst-case scenario rarely happens when you decide to go for it. People are generally friendly and willing to help out if anything goes wrong.

I want to encourage you not to be afraid of failure—even if there’s no guarantee of success, you’ll learn from your mistakes and grow from them. And if things don’t go as planned and you don’t get what you want out of the initial attempt at something new, I’d like to encourage you not to lose hope. This doesn’t mean it won’t happen eventually!

Be bold and remain open to trying new things. If you keep an open mind, you’ll see that life is ripe with opportunities for growth: we need to take advantage of this by doing something different than what we’re used to. A quote I love is,

to go places you’ve never been before, you have to do things you’ve never done.

Keep this in mind the next time you feel the urge to second-guess your actions.

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Leave your comfort zone.

With this being said, it’s important to remember that you can’t grow if you don’t leave your comfort zone. Discomfort is a mandatory feeling for growth; through it, you realize just how many new things you can learn. When you’re in your comfort zone, it’s easy to fall into a routine and never realize how much more there is to life. If you want to grow as a person, then get out of your comfort zone. Sign up for the class that has been on your mind for months, and plan the trip to that city you keep seeing on TikTok. Do the thing that scares you now and again. Be open to being the most inexperienced person in the room. Any activity will work to start as long as it gets your mind thinking differently than usual.

Remember that avoiding new things keeps us safe but keeps us from living full, rich lives. Without novelty, you will never grow as an individual because your life will remain stagnant at best (and boring at worst).

Speak up for yourself.

Speak up for yourself. No one can advocate for a woman who doesn’t advocate for herself. Don’t be afraid to say what you think and feel, even when it may not be the popular opinion. Don’t let others speak for you or make decisions for you—be assertive! If something doesn’t feel right, ask questions (don’t assume anything). And don’t be afraid of saying no—it’s okay to say no if someone is asking for too much of your time, energy, or resources. Don’t be afraid to ask questions (you should never assume anything to be true outside of yourself). And don’t be afraid of saying no—it’s okay to say no if someone is asking for too much of your time, energy, or resources.

Do not compare yourself to others.

In the key of Beyoncé’s Alien Superstar, remember that you are unique. You are not your competition, peer group, employer, employee, child, partner, and so on. In the same way you cannot control others, you cannot be them. Comparison and control can quickly breed contempt and sour your relationships.

You are the only one who can see yourself through your unique perspective at any given moment. It’s easy to compare yourself to others but remember that we all have different backgrounds, experiences, and life paths that lead us here today—so don’t do it!

Stay away from negative environments.

Stay away from negative environments that aren’t contributing to your growth. A reminder that an environment can be emotional as well as physical. If you’re having a bad day and are tempted to vent about your problems on social media, remember that it will only make matters worse. This can invite in the attention and energy of the wrong people. In your day-to-day life, staying away from negative people will make you feel better and happier. If you feel someone in your life consistently drains your energy or always has something bad to say, try not to interact with them if possible. And if someone does approach you unsolicited with their negative opinions, remember that it is always in your power to walk away!

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how to be a confident woman

Don’t wait for others to validate you.

The first step of building confidence is knowing that you have it. You don’t have to wait for someone else to validate you or tell you that they think your ideas are good. You can do it yourself!

You are what you believe you are.  There is nothing to do except to be just what you are.  You have the right to feel beautiful and enjoy it.

Don Miguel Ruiz, The Mastery of Love

Don’t wait for anyone else to make you feel good or give permission to go for your goals, either. If someone says something negative about one of your ideas, stand up for yourself and say, “Thank you for your input, but I stand by my idea.” If a friend or family member tells a joke at a dinner party on your behalf (that isn’t funny), don’t feel the need to laugh along with everyone else— stay true to yourself and your beliefs. It pays off in the end.

Be brave enough to stand alone and be unique.

Be brave enough to stand alone and be unique.

As a modern woman especially, it’s vital that you don’t always feel the need to conform. If someone tells you that your opinion isn’t valid or that your feelings don’t matter because “we” think differently than “you,” then “they” may not be worth listening to! Stand up for yourself—and remember: being different is the essence that makes you, you. On another note, remember to be selective with whom you associate and surround yourself with, people who uplift your spirit, encourage you and are positive.

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Follow a healthy lifestyle regimen.

Take care of yourself. It’s essential to take care of your body and mind by doing things that make you feel good, like exercising regularly and eating right. Needless to say that when you look and feel good, you do good. If there is one thing we can do for ourselves, it’s exercise! We need to move our bodies because it helps us stay healthy and happy.

Exercise isn’t just about losing weight or toning up; it’s about showing your body love through movement. Simple things like getting enough sunlight or getting your steps in profoundly affect your mental health.


I know that this is a lot of information to take in all at once, but if you are really committed and want to get the most out of life, it’s worth it. As a woman, you have the potential to achieve limitless amounts of success. We are way more intuitive and creative than we give ourselves credit for. We need to be confident in ourselves and our abilities, so we don’t let false criticism and the drudgery of the every day affect us too much!

These are my tips on confidence building for women.

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