4 Surefire Ways to Boost your E-mail Etiquette

We are currently living in a time where we rely heavily on digital conversation. Important things like networking and collaboration now depend on your ability to communicate online!

That’s right, the way you craft your e-mails can impact your career trajectory! This is especially true if you rely on other people to get things done. I’ll be sharing 4 tips to get you on the right track and e-mailing like a pro.


There is no greater turnoff than obvious grammatical or spelling errors. Take the time to re-read your message out loud before pressing send.

Keep it Between Business Hours

Most people are on the clock between 9 am and 5 pm give or take an hour or two. Try to keep your e-mail correspondence between these hours! Your recipient will definitely be checking their inbox so it’s more likely that they will see your message. They are also less likely to feel imposed upon because you are messaging them while they are on the clock.

Did you get an idea for an e-mail at 11 pm that feels urgent? No problem! Most e-mail providers allow you to schedule your messages instead of sending them out immediately. Schedule your message to send between 8 and 10 am so that it makes it to the top of their list!

Get to the Point in Your Subject Line

The person that you’re communicating with is likely well-connected and busy

(That’s what makes them so attractive!). Show them that you respect their time by writing a very clear and concise e-mail subject line. Let them know exactly what you need from them before they even open your message. 

If you’re seeking their collaboration or insight, pique their curiosity a bit! Entice them into opening your message.


  • “[industry name] professional seeking collaboration with accomplished [their job title]”
  • “Aspiring [industry name] seeking career insights from industry experts”

By doing this, not only will you stroke your recipients’ ego but you will also give them an idea of what you’re asking for! mission accomplished

Give it Some Time

Nothing (and I mean nothing) is worse than a spammer! Think about that person who sends you back-to-back texts even though you have your read receipts on, irritating, right?

Depending on their job position, the person you’re communicating with may be receiving hundreds of messages a day. Additionally, think about how many communication channels we have access to! This person might be managing social media messages and multiple e-mail inboxes! Allow them 2-3 days to respond to you. If you have a more pressing issue, you can follow up sooner.

You want to remain composed, especially if this is a person you would like to work with on a professional level.

Sending e-mails in a professional setting can definitely be tricky, especially when you’re in a situation where you haven’t established a relationship with the recipient. If these tips gave you any clarity, don’t forget to share with your network by hitting one of the buttons below!

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