How to Beat the Fear of Getting Started for Good



The fear of getting started is real. It's the feeling that you don't have enough information, time or money to get started on a project or venture. It can keep us from taking action even if we know deep down that our idea is good and there are no real barriers preventing us from pursuing it further. The fear of getting started can be paralyzing because it feels like there's no point in moving forward when there are so many unknowns at play. But here's the thing: people who get started win, even if they fail!

So how do we get over the fear of getting started? Keep reading to gain some inspiration as you start working towards your dreams.

The fear of getting started

Why do we feel fear when it comes to turning our dreams into reality. The truth is, on a core level, you may be afraid of failing, or even succeeding. Didn't expect that one did you?

It's true. It 100% is possible to have a fear of success. Feeling inadequate or underprepared for the next level and what responsibilities it may bring. Essentially, discounting yourself before you even have the chance to get your feet wet.

You may be afraid of the unknown and what others will think. These are all valid concerns, these are things we all think about from time to time. But these thoughts are also very common amongst people who don't take action on their goals. Amongst those who feel "stuck".

If you have a goal and it's important to you, then it's time to get out there and start taking action! It doesn't matter if your idea isn't perfect yet; even if it needs some work before it's ready for prime-time, there’s nothing stopping you from getting started today.

The truth is, failure is the best teacher.

how to get over the fear of getting started

What is the cost of inaction?

Put simply, the cost of inaction is never being able to get what you want. When you say yes to inaction, and deny yourself faith in your own capabilities, you are saying no to the substance of your dreams. And that's a big mistake.

Every time you say yes to inaction you are saying no to the future that could have been yours.

If all your life you've fantasized about being a writer, but you fear the potential ridicule that comes from others reading your work, then the cost of inaction is the book deal that could have been yours. If all your life you've wanted to be a podcaster, but you quit because you hated the sound of your own voice, then the cost of inaction is the big ticket interview you could have had with Michelle O. (A dramatic illustrative example, I know. Indulge me here.)

The list goes on and on—there are so many things that people dream about doing but never get around doing because they're afraid or unsure about how exactly they should go about getting started on whichever project it may be (and yes I'm talking from experience here).

In other words: there isn't much difference between dreaming about something and actually doing it. In fact, you'll find that once you get started, the pieces just fall into place. Whereas there IS a huge difference between dreaming about something and doing nothing about it.

The answers are coming from inside of you, so you are basically declining a natural blueprint.

Constantly wondering, what if? is an unfortunate place to be in.

Starting is the first step toward success, but it’s also the most difficult part for many people

The first step to success is often the hardest. You can't make a plan if you don't know what to do. Start by asking yourself: What is one small thing I can do today that will move me forward? What is one small thing I can do that will align me with the version of me that I see in my head? Do not give yourself an excuse for inaction or procrastination!

You need to get started before you can make progress. If there were no risk of failure and it was easy, everyone would be great at everything they did in life. But in reality, it's a lot easier said than done—we all have dreams and goals we want to achieve, but sometimes those things seem too far away and impossible because they involve so much effort on our part that we never actually start anything. Fear keeps us from taking action toward achieving them (even though these fears are usually unfounded).

how to get over the fear of getting started

Sometimes we even think that if we don't succeed right away then our efforts aren't worth anything; however, this mindset only makes things harder on ourselves since it prevents us from making any progress whatsoever! It's important not just for our mental well-being but also physically. Avoiding challenges prevents us from building confidence which leaves us unprepared to overcome future obstacles as well."

How to get over your fear of starting something new

  • Spend time with people who are doing what you want to do. If no one you know does what you want to do, Look for positive influences online or in the media.

  • Find a mentor or coach.

  • Practice your skills on a smaller scale first, then slowly build toward bigger projects. ie. if you want to start a YouTube channel, try recording a short video on your phone that you won't post. Make it longer each time you practice.

If you have a passion, don’t allow it to be a hobby.

Now that you know the importance of taking action, let's talk about how to get started.

First things first: Let go of any fear-based thinking and excuses that are holding you back from taking action. Every single person on this planet has something they want to do or be; it's just up to you to figure out what that is and take action toward making it a reality.

the fear of getting started, how to stop procrastinating

Don't allow your passion to remain a hobby! If you are looking to build something, working on the skillset and sharing your work needs to feel natural to you. This cannot be something you just pick up and put down when you feel like it. If you want your passion to become a reality, you have to treat it as such. If you are looking for ways to build up your skillset, take the time each day or week (depending on what works best for you) and work on that skill. You don't need to take action every single day but if you can find five minutes here and there throughout the week, then by all means do it! It adds up.

What do I do if I’m stuck?

Try breaking down your goal into smaller steps so that it's easier for your brain to process it (e.g., instead of saying "I want to run a marathon," say "I want to be able to run for 15 minutes without stopping" And build from there). This will help reduce overwhelm when looking at the big picture, which can often feel overwhelming when we're just starting out—and there's nothing wrong with feeling overwhelmed!

In fact, it means something important is happening in our brains: We're recognizing our goals as attainable! So keep going! Don't give up because you got stuck somewhere along the way; instead, use those obstacles as learning experiences, so they don't happen again later down the road.

People who get started win, even if they fail.

Imperfect action will beat perfectionist inaction every time. You learn by doing, not by constantly consuming information. Take one step, and then another one. Don't wait for the perfect time to start. The only way to get started is to just do it. If you wait until everything is in place, you'll never begin. Make a small change today, and then build on that tomorrow. Eventually, you find your flow and everything feels seamless. There is no greater reward than looking back and knowing you gave something your best effort.


The fear of failure is the biggest roadblock to starting something new. Even if you have a passion, it can be hard to see past your fear of getting started. But if you want to succeed in life, you need to get over this fear and just do it. There’s no other way around this problem—you just need to take that first step toward success!

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